How to prepare a homemade anti-lice lotion?


Jennifer Delgado

Did you know that around 30% of Spanish children are at risk of becoming infected with lice? It is one of the most common childhood infections and the easiest to spread.on. This is confirmed by the Spanish Society of Out-of-Hospital Pediatrics and Primary Care, which states that 4 out of 10 Spanish homes with school-age children have been visited by lice on some occasion. Obviously, the greatest risk of contagion is at school.

The worst thing is that in many cases prevention and child hygiene measures are not enough to avoid infection with lice. Besides, pediculicidal shampoos and lotions are becoming less and less effectiveThis is confirmed by a study published in the British Medical Journal, which states that brushing with special anti-lice combs is more effective than applying a pediculicidal shampoo.

Likewise, researchers from the Welsh National Health Service affirm that Up to 80% of lice resist permethrin and phenothrin, the two active compounds most used in the manufacture of anti-lice products on the market.. Therefore, it is advisable to have some effective home remedies on hand to combat this infection.

Summer is the season for mosquito and other insect bites. We show you some natural remedies to treat these annoying bites and we tell you what the warning symptoms are in children.

5 remedies that you can prepare at home to eliminate lice

1. Lavender essence

Lavender essence lotion is one of the most effective home remedies to combat lice and nits in children. Its effect is due to the strong smell it gives off since this essence repels small insects such as lice. In fact, it is common for just a few applications to stop the infection. To begin the treatment you can purchase the lotion at a herbalist or at natural pharmacies.

Its application mode is very simple: You will use a few drops of lavender essence to wet the little one’s scalp. Then, you should massage your hair in a circular motion for at least 5 minutes to ensure that the lotion penetrates and can act deeply. You can also mix lavender lotion with tea tree essence, which has been proven effective.

2. Eucalyptus infusion

You can get this infusion at herbalists but you can also make it at home. Simply boil some eucalyptus leaves in two cups of water for at least 10 minutes. Once the infusion is cold, you can keep it in a clean and disinfected container to use it several times.. Its application is very simple: spread it over the entire scalp while giving the child light circular massages. It is important that you let the infusion act on the entire root for around 15 minutes, and then rinse your hair with plenty of water. For better results you can mix the infusion with a few drops of lemon or rosemary.

3. Staphysagria essence

It is a plant popularly known as lice, which was formerly used to treat this infection. Its effect is due to its high content of toxic alkaloids such as delphinine, which are usually fatal to lice.. Only the crushed seeds of the plant are used, which are prepared as an infusion: they are allowed to boil in a little water to extract their essence and concentrate the effect of staphysagria. Then about 10 drops of this essence are applied to the child’s scalp every night before going to bed.for a week. At dawn you can rinse his hair.

4. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains numerous acidic compounds that are toxic to lice, so they will suffocate them practically from the first application. It is true that it has a very strong smell but, if after application you wash the child’s hair with plenty of water, it will not be a problem.. The application is very simple: you must soak the child’s scalp with apple cider vinegar and let it act for at least 5 minutes, while massaging the hair. Then, leave the application for another 10 minutes and rinse with plenty of water.


5. Olive oil

This is an economical and very effective natural remedy not only for cardiovascular and metabolic health, but also for eliminating nits and lice.. Its effect is due to the thick consistency of the oil, which limits the oxygenation of the lice and suffocates them. However, you should first heat it slightly, so that its texture is more liquid and, therefore, the scalp absorbs it better. Then you will spread it on the little one’s head, massaging it in circular motions for approximately 5 minutes. Let the oil sit for at least half an hour or even longer.. After that time, rinse your hair with plenty of water and wash it with warm water to remove any remaining oil.

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