the home remedy that eliminates them from your house forever


With the arrival of summer and the increase in temperatures, it is normal to see the presence of insects in our environment increase. This not only happens in outdoor spaces, but also inside homes, where these animals proliferate rapidly during the warmest months of the year. In the case of the antsthey multiply at full speed and can invade homes at record speed. They are one of the most common pests in Spanish homes when summer arrives. The National Association of Pest Control Companies (ANECPLA) points out that the isolated presence of these insects should not be considered a pest, although it warns about their great reproductive capacity.

Unlike other insects that can be vectors of diseases such as salmonellosis, fevers or leptospirosis, ants generally do not represent a health hazard. However, they can be extremely annoying. The ants They invade homes in search of food, so it is “crucial” to keep pantries and kitchens impeccable and avoid the accumulation of food remains, such as bread crumbs, under kitchen furniture or on the countertop. One of the main prevention measures consists of store food in airtight containers whenever possible to prevent contamination.

The best trick to get rid of ants

Summer brings with it a series of little visitors to the home. Among the most common insects that proliferate with increasing temperatures are cockroaches and mosquitoeswhich can become pests inside homes. During the summer season, it is also common to find rows of ants roaming the kitchen, terrace and other areas of the home.

Although ants are usually harmless in most cases, their presence can be extremely annoying. If measures are not taken in time, these colonies can grow and multiplyestablishing multiple anthills. This would not only complicate disposal, but could also cause additional problems such as food contamination.

To control these insects, supermarkets sell a wide variety of chemical pesticides. However, many of these products are not suitable for homes with pets, have unpleasant odors and are toxic. For this reason, some people prefer to resort to home remedies, which are safe for health, cheaper and very effective.

Amaia Zabala, content creator known on Instagram as @cocinaconamaiahas shared a trick to eliminate the presence of these tiny insects. The method is simple: you need a piece of aluminum foil, which is cut into a square and the edges are folded inward to form a kind of container.

With the base prepared, it is placed a tablespoon of ground coffee in the center and mix with a tablespoon of paprika. Then, add a bay leaf cut into small pieces and close the aluminum foil, folding it like an envelope to prevent the contents from spilling.

Finally, small incisions should be made in the paper to allow the aroma to disperse. This about aromatic It must be placed in places where the presence of ants has been detected. This method is not only easy and inexpensive, but also safe for homes with children and pets.

Other homemade solutions

Ants can’t stand lemon juiceas it interferes with your sense of direction. Therefore, it is an excellent idea to spray lemon juice in the areas where these insects tend to be.

The mint leaves They are very useful to scare away ants during the summer. You just have to put them around windows, doors and cracks where they can enter. Because of their strong aroma, ants avoid them.

Another effective method is to mix vinegar and water in equal parts in a container. Because of its strong smell, ants hate it. Additionally, vinegar eliminates the odor trails they use to move around, so it is very useful. It’s as simple as spraying this solution on windows, countertops, sinks, etc.

The cucumber peels They are also useful, since ants avoid them. This is because as they decompose, these shells become toxic to them.

He smell of coffee It is another effective solution. Coffee beans act as a repellent for ants. Therefore, what you have to do is place them in strategic points such as the garden and around the outside of the house.

On the other hand, the talc present in chalk and baby powder acts as a natural ant repellent. This ingredient is effective because it disrupts the scent trails that ants use to find their way.

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