An active life, key to maintaining cardiovascular health

The cardiovascular diseases They have become one of the major global health problems. The increase in risk factors such as poor eating habits, a sedentary lifestyle, smoking, or obesity; have turned this type of disease into the leading cause of death in the world.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that Up to 17.9 million people die each year all over the world for this reason. Whom Spain 27% of deaths are due to diseases of this type, or what is the same: one in three people who die does so due to associated complications to this type of pathologies.

Figures that can only combated with prevention and shock measures whose effectiveness is associated with the age at which they begin to be taken. Contrary to popular belief, cardiovascular health must start taking care of yourself in childhood.

The importance of childhood and adolescence

He overweight and the obesity are risk factors when developing heart disease, something for which childhood and the adolescence They are “essential phases”, as the Dr. Soledad Ojeda Pineda, head of the Cardiology Service at the Quirónsalud Córdoba Hospital.

“Is since childhood when we have to start control and prevent cardiovascular diseases,” adds the specialist, emphasizing the importance of “acquiring healthy lifestyles during the first years of life. A period in which family and the school environment are very important.

Likewise, the doctor emphasizes the importance that a early diagnosis for congenital heart disease (those disorders in the structure and functioning of the heart due to abnormal development of this organ before birth), since it can avoid serious problems in adulthood. The most frequent symptoms in these cases, he points out, are a bluish discoloration of the skin, lips and nails, rapid and gasping breathing, and irritability and fatigue when feeding.

The basis of correct cardiovascular health

Having good cardiovascular health will allow us to lead an active life without functional limitations in day-to-day activities. Something that we can only achieve by wearing a healthy eating, practicing physical activity and avoiding tobacco and alcohol consumption.

Three recommendations, which remember Dr. Soledad Ojeda Pineda“are essential when it comes to controlling the causes that can cause this type of pathology, which in a non-negligible percentage is a consequence of risk factors acquired by our lifestyle».

It is also important, points out the specialist, to know the family history of patients“since there is a group of heart diseases that are derived from a genetic alteration with the possibility of having been acquired hereditarily.”

CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH Dr. Soledad Ojeda Pineda, head of the Cardiology Service at Hospital Quirónsalud Córdoba @Quirónsalud

The importance of prevention

The age is, without a doubt, one of the main cardiovascular risk factorsso Dr. Ojeda recommends that patients begin to go to reviews from the 40 years in the case of the men and from the 50 years in the women. In the case of women, even more so if they suffer early menopause.

Patients with cardiovascular problems will need follow-up based on their pathology, focusing on control those factors that may aggravate the patient’s situation. In this sense, the specialist emphasizes again the importance of follow a healthy lifestyle and remember that among the most aggressive cardiovascular risk factors are smoking and the diabetes mellitus.

Alarm symptoms

The main symptoms that cardiac function may be affected are chest painthe palpitationsthe shortness of breath (dyspnea), or loss of consciousness (syncope). Signs that should always be evaluated by a cardiologist who will diagnose or rule out cardiovascular problems in the patient.

Risk groups

The specialist also remembers the importance of some people with special conditions also maintaining personalized cardiovascular monitoring.

It is the case of the professional athleteswhich must be done checkups with some assiduity to test the structural and functional normality of the heart and rule out diseases that put their lives at risk, as well as improve the management of the efficiency of their training to achieve better marks.

Likewise, in pregnant women Specific cardiovascular monitoring is recommended throughout the process, always together with healthy lifestyle habits Protect your own health and that of the baby, as it can be vital.

Lastly, regarding the elderly patientsthey must visit the cardiologist to monitor any specific pathology that they may suffer or to carry out routine check-ups with the aim of ruling out future heart problems.

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