Seven delicious anti-inflammatory dinners, easy to prepare and ideal for fall according to an endocrinologist

Why is it so important to follow an anti-inflammatory diet? What benefits does this type of diet offer? As Dr. Montse Prados, an endocrinologist at the Martorell public hospital in Barcelona, ​​and author of The Medicine You Need is You, points out in her book. Anti-inflammatory habits for extraordinary health, “Through our diet, we can promote health or, on the contrary, promote diseases”.

Dr. Prados is specialized in the treatment of people with obesity, whom she empowers through the creation of key habits to combat inflammation associated with excess body fatsomething he also reflects in his book.

As Dr. Prados emphasizes, “It is essential to adopt a dietary pattern that provides us with health, including foods that have been shown to be protectivemodulating inflammation.”

“Choosing this type of guidelines in our daily lives produces improvements in diseases related to an inflammatory state, such as lupus erythematosus, arthritis, cancer or diabetes mellitus. Additionally, you can provide us with a improvement in our overall physical and psychological state, our joint symptoms, headache or abdominal pain”, points out the expert.

Dinner, intermittent fasting and anti-inflammatory effect

As Dr. Prados emphasizes, “following an anti-inflammatory diet throughout the day will have a positive effect on our health. “It manages to enhance the antioxidant effect that food exerts on our body.”

Does intermittent fasting have an anti-inflammatory effect? As Dr. Prados explains, “it has been postulated that calorie restriction, for example with intermittent fasting, can promote this anti-inflammatory effect, as long as the diet provides the necessary nutrients through natural foods.”

This expert highlights the importance of “not only limiting the hours allocated to eating and the number of calories, but also do it as early as possible and avoid eating food closer to bedtime”.

Dr. Montse Prados highlights studies such as those published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, which They recommend having dinner at least five hours before going to sleep..

“In this way, and according to research, fat burning is enhanced during the night, while Eating food too late slows down the metabolism and increases the risk of obesityFor example, Dr. Prados highlights. “It should be noted that this is modulated by the fact of exercising regularly and according to the nutrient content of the meals before going to sleep,” he adds.

The medicine you need is you: Anti-inflammatory habits for extraordinary health: 59 (Last Line of Essay)

The medicine you need is you: Anti-inflammatory habits for extraordinary health: 59 (Last Line of Essay)
Credit: Last Line of Essay

Anti-inflammatory habits that we should adopt

In your book you talk not only about diet but also about anti-inflammatory habits. What are they? What effect do they have? “In my book I highlight the importance of following not only an adequate diet, but an anti-inflammatory lifestyle. In it I delve into the fact that health is a whole that encompasses both our physical and emotional well-being. Therefore, adopting habits that provide us with health in all our dimensions is the most appropriate thing to do,” says Dr. Prados.

As the expert points out, “regular physical exercise, both cardiovascular and strength training, getting enough and restful sleepand adopt mechanisms that allow us to reduce stress and regulate our emotions, will protect our health and will also provide us with well-being and physical and mental balance.”

“In the consultation I explain to my patients the importance of establishing these types of habits, in addition to the advice of a diet based on plant products and reduced in ultra-processed foods to modulate inflammation”says Dr. Prados.

Inflammatory habits you may be following without realizing it

As Dr. Montse Prados emphasizes, “In our daily routine we have established many habits that can be harmful to our health.“But with small changes we can achieve significant improvements in our health.”

“An example that I frequently encounter in consultation is that not enough importance is given to night rest. Due to work, family, stress… we normalize sleeping little and with poor quality,” says Dr. Prados.

As this endocrinologist explains, “This lack of sleep is related to developing inflammatory-based diseases. such as obesity or diabetes mellitus.” “In this sense, a guide recently published in the Journal of Clinical Lipidology which summarizes the eight key points to take care of our cardiovascular health, highlights the importance of resting between seven and nine hours each night”. Here are 9 stretches to do in bed and sleep better.

woman eating a bag of potatoes

Jeremy Moeller//Getty Images

Dr. Prados emphasizes the importance of establishing a routine that promotes restful sleep: “Do not use screens or drink stimulants such as coffee, alcohol or tea in the hours before going to bed. will help in this purpose”

“Another habit we could change to reduce inflammation is reduce sedentary lifestyle in our daily life”says Dr. Prados. He recommends “using fewer elevators, electric scooters or the car for short trips.” According to this expert, “increasing movement has a very important impact on our overall health”.

“The next step that would cause significant improvements would be to schedule physical exercise in the form of strength and cardiovascular activities at least 4 or 5 times a week,” he explains.

7 delicious and ideal anti-inflammatory dinners in autumn

Dr. Montse Prados recommends preparing our anti-inflammatory dinners “based on seasonal vegetables and fruits and accompanied by aromatic herbs, spices, extra virgin olive oil or vinaigrettes”.

“Combine them however you like, but add color to your dinners,” he says. This endocrine gives us seven ideas for very rude and easy to prepare anti-inflammatory dinners:

  1. Baked anchovies with garlic and parsley, eggplant pâté and carrot and cucumber dips. With tangerine for dessert. This dinner, according to Dr. Prados, “contains a powerful anti-inflammatory: the omega 3 from anchovies.”
  2. Chard and spinach sautéed with virgin olive oil, turmeric and pepperaccompanied by zucchini omelette. “This dinner is rich in vitamin E, an important antioxidant,” says the expert.
  3. Mushrooms, garlic and red pepper with grilled dill-marinated salmon tacos. This dinner, according to Dr. Prados, “is a source of omega 3, selenium and vitamins.”
  4. Grilled chicken, onion and green pepper skewers, accompanied by tomato slices with basil, grapes and fresh cheese. “It contains polyphenols and lycopene, which help reduce oxygen free radicals,” says the expert.
  5. Pumpkin cream with grilled turkey seasoned with paprika, garlic and parsley. Kiwi for dessert. “This dinner provides you with beta-carotene from the pumpkin and vitamin C from the dessert,” points out the endocrinologist.
  6. Cuttlefish and squid in pieces, with sweet potato and broccoli cooked in the pan with 2 tablespoons of virgin olive oil. Orange for dessert. “This dinner is a good source of selenium and carotenoids,” says the endocrinologist.
  7. Zucchini spaghetti with basil, pepper and chive vinaigrette, and tofu and chia burger. “A delicious dinner based on plant foods, the main ones that help fight inflammation,” emphasizes Dr. Prados. Here you have 20 tofu recipes that are very easy to make.

Propose a progressive change in habits, with small modifications that are realistic and according to your interests. Don’t force yourself to eat what you don’t like or do an exercise you hate. The key to success is perseverance and this is favored by motivation. Be clear that you can achieve the goals you set for yourself and use kind internal dialogue to help you continue with your purpose.”, concludes Dr. Montse Prados.

Cooldo Pack Cooldo (300ml)

Cooldo Pack (300ml)
Bone broth is an ideal dinner when you don’t have time or are fasting. For those fall and winter days when you feel like having something light and warm, when you don’t want to break the fasting window with solid foods, or when your body asks for something restorative, Nothing better than a homemade bone broth, rich in minerals, proteins and collagen. Also ideal after exercising. If you don’t know how or are too lazy to do it, you have a wonderful option: Cooldo’s natural broth, made with 100% natural ingredients, and with an anti-inflammatory version with turmeric and ginger. You can order it online and they even have specific plans to start fasting or recover.

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